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fixed schedule中文是什么意思

用"fixed schedule"造句"fixed schedule"怎么读"fixed schedule" in a sentence


  • 固定的目录
  • 确定的进度表


  • Fixed schedule of charges
  • For many students who haven ' t a fixed schedule , online education should suit them best
    (对那些没有固定时间学习的学生,网上教学对他们再合适不过了。 )
  • There ' s no fixed schedule for this reporting , but most companies send an update every 30 days
  • The child packages are not run according to a fixed schedule controlled by the sql server agent on the remote server
    子包不按受远程服务器上的sql server代理所控制的固定计划来运行。
  • We provide with dedicated trucks running on pre - determined routes and fixed schedule to ensure 100 % time definition
    我们可以提供专车在事先设定的路线上按照固定的时间表运行以确保100 %的准点服务。
  • We can be satisfied meanwhile . it s better that i have a home , and then i can go sometimes here and there on a fixed schedule . and everyone knows this time master is not home , okay , we don t go there to see her
  • Each day , residents of the ren - ai home follow a fixed schedule . after dinner , normally beginning at six , they gathered in the home s main hall to watch television . however , at these times uncle ma preferred to retire to his room to sleep
用"fixed schedule"造句  


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